Sathes Bala

Front End Web Developer

Skilled in JavaScript & React.js


My name is Sathes Bala. I was previously working in the restaurant industry and found it awesome and a lot of fun. After about a year of working I found the job very tideous, felt like I wasn't learning anything new, and found it hard to challenge myself. I decided to change to a career where I'm constantly challenging myself and always learning something new. I joined Bitmaker Labs and completed an Immersive Web Development Coding Bootcamp. I'm currently improving my skills by trying new questions on LeetCode!

I find working on LeetCode problems a lot of fun due to how challenging it can get. It also trains my brain on how to solve problems. Lastly it showed me how important Pseudocode is.

My hobbies are travelling, exercising, and reading books. I spent a lot of time during quarantine reading books, two of my favorites are, How I built This - Guy Raz & Principles - Ray Dalio. My next travel destination is New York, I love a busy city!


Search Recipes App


While working in the restaurant industry I wanted to create a Web Application which is relatable to what I am doing right now. While working at a restaurant I often find myself in situations where I am constantly eating out, building this recipe app helped me find healthier dishes I could create on my own while working on my coding skills. This is the second React Project I have built, in the first one I used classes to get all the work done, during this Recipe App I decided to use Hooks instead in order to gain a better understanding. I love using hooks this project has cleaner code compared to my last project where I was using classes. React is awesome to use and I would love to continue using it!

Movie DataBase Display


A project built in March 2019 which grabs the current most popular movies of each genre from an API called The Movie DataBase. I built this project in order to put my React.js skills to use & be able to show future employers my React skills. After building this project I see why huge companies such as Facebook & Instagram use React. I understand componentDidMount, axios and React in general a lot more after finishing this project. The more I understand leads me to enjoy coding a lot more, I would love to dive more in to React in future projects and see all the cool stuff I can build!


Ruby On Rails + JavaScript

An​ interactive​ Ruby​ on​ Rails​ app​ created​ by​ a ​ ​ group​ of​ five individuals,​ solving​ food​ waste​ in​ Toronto.​ PlateAgain​ allows​ user to​ either​ log​ in​ as​ a “provider”​ with​ an​ excess​ amount​ of​ food ​ or an “acceptor”​ which​ is​ any​ sort​ of​ food​ bank​ or ​​charity​ organization which​ would​ make​ the​ food​ useful.​ ​Both​ these​ users​ can communicate ​and​ ​​​view each​ other’s​ location​ in​ PlateAgain. This was my first app created with a group it was great to see what the process is like to work with other people and how the code I write can affect the whole group/project. Clean code is very effective throughout the creation process and learning to work with GitHub without overwriting other peoples work is a valuable lesson.


JavaScript + Pixel.Js

An​ interactive​ game​ created​ for​ entertainment, ​ ​ NeoWallJump is a game inspired by Super Metroid +Matrix made during the GlobalJam 2018 Toronto 2018 (48 Hour Hack- athon). The objective of the game is to get to the top of the wall through wall jumps while avoiding the falilng objects. It was cool to work with skilled developers who have been in the industry for multiple years, their style of code and work ethic is something for me to learn from.



An​ interactive​ game​ created​ for​ entertainment ​ ​ purposes​ using HTML, CSS,​ Javascript​ & jQuery. ​ ​ Hangman​ follows​ the​ concept​ of the​ original ​ ​ game​ Hangman,​ with​ users​ guessing​ basketball​ teams. This was my first individul app created after learning how to use JavaScript through a Udemy course after graduating from a bootcamp. It was great to work on a project as an individual, after creating this project I realized how much more I love and feel comfortable with JavaScript compared to Ruby On Rails. This project is what steered me towards learning more JavaScript, Node.js and React.js. It was a fun project to create and show friends and family the skills that I have, also a fun game to play when I'm bored.



CSS Grid is an application I created in order to further my understanding of CSS Grid and improve my front end development skills. One of the benefits I found from CSS Grid is that it allows for complete control over layout placement which is extremely useful when creating websites. I personally prefer CSS grid over Bootstrap, I feel like I have more control over placing objects. I also like how easily I can make websites responsive.

Let's Create Something!

Available for any freelance work & full-time jobs!